We stopped for coffee and watched a man working with wire, he spends his days making little wire sulptures, selling them for three euros each. Seconds before we sat down, a man has passed him whispering something into his ear which caused him great stress. Sitting on the street surounded by all these people, he began to cry. Never are we so alone then when we are surounded by people. I suggested that we buy something from him, in order to cheer him up and as your see, his work is great. He started to make something, must of took him a few seconds to wrap the wire. He moved down the rows of table, removing a napkin, in which he wrapped the wire sculpture, to steps later he had placed the 'present' onto the table in front of me. Telling me that I needed to give it to Monica, which I did. After he had sat back down, I handed him three euros, he shook my hand, his hands rough from working with the wire and a life on the streets.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Human Kindness - alive in Valencia
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Ever wondered

Friday, 8 August 2008
A little story
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
An up setting incident
Edited now that I have calmed down
Friday, 27 June 2008
Next I went to Cheddar to say goodbye to the few people who are still there - fighting the good fight. I started with my good friend JH, our friendship has grown over the last few years, however I´m sure that he might argue, its only grown since I´ve had something interesting to say.
On Thursday all our boxs went, all 7, 7 boxs for 26 years. I suppose that starting a new life means getting rid of all the clutter which is fine. So now we are just sitting on our thumbs. As Monica put it, we have nothing to do here and so much to do in Moncada. On Thursday we checked the requirements for the cat to travel. We are both very worried about the transport, and driving from BCN to VLC with the cat. I guess that is our cross to bare. I´m meeting another good friend today and my long term caving partner. By far the most emotional, probaly because we have done so much together. Still these friends are keepers.
And thats it I had three friends to say goodbye to. Today is Friday and the fridge needs turning off and the food removed and then we will probaly sit down and relax. I´ll post the next time I have an internet connection and tell you about the move and journey. 22:39hrs tomorow we will still be on the road, heading towards Valencia. But I´ll be Spain.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
This time of year
Well socks of course. I seem to have no socks, the sock fairy keeps on stealing them. Maybe it will be better when I have my own washing machine, but for now I have to make two pairs last a week. I spend a lot of time at home in bare feet with freezing feet. I'm not picky, any type of socks will do. Not white please, I don't like white socks and no trainer socks, good proper ankle length socks would be great.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
3 years today and other stuff
Tomorrow is dissertation deadline, I get to give away this monster that has controlled my life for so long. When I get it back I will file it under "S" for shit and never look at it again. There will be some stuff that I will never look at again, such as the view from Exmoor, or the dark granite faces of Darkmoor. Months are going to slip by with out me here, the changes of season will be missed, I won't see the river in full flood washing at the tyres of the cars, or a tractor with trailer moving slowly at harvest time. I'll miss the smell of damp cut grass, grass on bare feet and green, green hills, green moors, green river banks. I'm swapping my rural jungle for an urban jungle, but I don't mind. I'm growing up, no longer am I Peter Pan. I'm leaving the place I grew up, moving on, striking out on the first step to having my own. And in a short time I will look back and I will be a more complete person, happier (maybe), richer, maybe not money rich but rich all the same, because I'll have MY family around me.
Here's to another three years. Cheers
Thursday, 8 May 2008
A lot of the clothes were bagged up ready to go the Charity shop, but as I put my first ever shirt into the bag I started to feel very sad. It just felt like waste. Here are all these clothes that have most likely been bought for me, by somebody else and now I'm just throwing them away. Not really throwing them away because they are going to the charity shop so other people indirectly benefit. But I'm letting them go. Maybe this is a wider issue with relationship, the give and take element can be traced back not just feelings or houses or cars but also to your life before the relationship started. Maybe with throwing old clothes away I'm saying, yep I'm ready to start my new life with you and I'm also ready to buy new clothes with you as well. :)
This shirt, for instance, my first ever 'going out' shirt was bought for me by my mum, the colour was fading and it smelt, after being stored to long. But clothes are expensive, this I guess is just a cycle, never been very up to date with clothes and I tend to wear what ever is comfortable, again and again, when I'm bored of it I leave it in the cupboard and move on. Its like I've got this blue jumper, I don't like it, but it was bought for me and when it came to throw it out, I said no - you work hard just to have your children throw there clothes out is that ungrateful or part of sharing your life on another level?
Sunday, 4 May 2008
House rules
Monday, 21 April 2008
So I decided on three different types of data, one set called real time, this was the data down loaded from loggers as is, the second set introduced a 1 day lap within the time data and the third set introduced a 5 hour time lag. With me so far. Okay to work out how significant these results were I used a statistical test called Pearson's correlation co-efficient, so thanks Mr Pearson. Now what this does, it take the two data sets, so in this case, one data set was from Bristol Airport and the other set was from Goughs cave and it compares them, not sure how, but it does. And it provides a number or more a formula which can be graphical represented on a graph, the formula details the slope of the curve. It also gives an R square value, which is the important bit because that shows how close to each other the results are.
For the real time data I got an R squared value of 0.5949, you may remember if you read the last post, that the closer the R squared value is to 1 the better, so that's not bad. I ran the same test on the 1 day lag, so the data had one day removed and got an R squared value of 0.6438, getting better. So I ran the test with a 5 hour lag introduced and the R Square value was 0.8888 which is pretty dam good.
So what this means, is its not possible to forecast the weather by underground pressure changes, which is a shame because that would of been cool. Putting it into easy terms so I can understand it, as pressure rises at Bristol Airport, pressure will also rise at Goughs cave only 5 hours later...hence a 5 hour delay exists. Pretty neat.
So what next, well as of today I have a month to write the experiment up, get it printed and ready for submission, also I have to write an essay called Psychogeography in a Heritage town...which could be interesting and then I have an exam on Paloclimate....don't even go there!! Then the summer starts, and of course there is the small matter of graduating, getting up in front of my peers and collecting my 2:2 we can't all be really, really smart you know.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
In a quiet place
Guerrilla Geography
Deep topography
Historical Geography
Development Geography
Coastal Geography
Culture Geography
Gender Geography
Fenismist Geography
Regional Geography
Urban Geography
Geography of Disease
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Look what I found.

Good on you ;) The report goes to on say, I've also got a pretty good idea that Sam and Monica's relationship will only last the season. I made that last bit up.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Some times
Now what your looking at is a normal one pound coin with a pink sticker stuck to it, the pink sticker says. "WS1 Valentines Burlesque Ball, 14 feb, www.ws1nightclub.co.uk." so I typed the web address into my brower, thinking maybe it was a night club in Bath...as it turns out, it came from a nightclub in a place caled Walsall which is close to Birmingham in the Midlands. The link below shows the location of Bath and Walsall
How amazing to think that this coin travelled so far in a short space of time. I e-mailed the night club telling them I had found there coin and asked if maybe I had won something!! What a great way to advertise!!
Saturday, 12 January 2008
JLM Gruop Inmobiliari - probaly the worst estate agent in the world

How heart breaking is that! JLM didn't want to tell us that the land was classed under the act, as luck would have it, somebody was on the ball and asked the right question at the right time which saved us much heartache. Thanks for that Aran! Now we have an extension to our 30 day contract in order for the agency to recover the deposit that has already been paid to the house owner. The house as perfect, more or less but it could never be our house.