Is kind of how I feel. My other concern is that dissertations is one of 4 other heavy modules that I will take next year. We went to see a cattery today, of course you have probably not met my little kitten Tusca:
I don't think I 'really' loved an animal until Tusca came along, she's a year old now. Of course getting her meant that if we ever went away one of us would have to stay. In September I'm hoping to go to Spain, mainly to see my friends but also to have a holiday and it's gonna at least be a week and I don't want to put that responsibility on my parents, so we went to cattery it was a nice place. Each cat gets it's own house, they feed them, cuddle them and provide nice warm bedding, I would certainly leave Kitten Tusca there in the future.
Fruit is good for you :-p
Baby Tusca is cute!
Tuska is just lovely!!
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