I have found a new multi player game and it's great!! I cant stop playing it which is driving Monica mad. Basically you create a character in a 'virtual' world and then walk around this virtual world mining cooper and tin to make into weapons and catching fish to feed yourself and selling stuff to earn money.

May not sound like much but it's so addictive. I reckon now I'm doing well I could play all day, but don't tell Monica. I suppose it keeps me off the streets and out of caves, at least till my elbows better.

Is that Second Life?
I tiesd two months ago or so... but I messed it up by flying to the third island without knowing hot to play hahaha...
I tried*
it keep you off the streets?? hahahahahaha. I hate that silly game with its silly music!!!!!!!!!!grgrgrgrgr
It's called
The game is called RuneScape, much the same as second life, I think? But you get to interact with loads of other people. Who actually are about 12 years old!!
Off the streets, is a term used when talking about a group of youths who stand around outside shops just causing trouble. A bit like the public toilets in Cheddar.
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